Market Your Beauty Products Online Despite COVID-19

The new coronavirus has paralyzed almost all fields of commerce recently including the beauty industry and as known and noticed, a lot of stores have closed their doors in order to diminish the spread of the virus.

However, another type of commerce is, fortunately, still alive: e-commerce. It means that you can still sell your beauty products to a wide range of people just online. Ergo, if you are involved in the beauty industry or own a beauty brand business, this article can be tremendously beneficial for you.

It may seem doable, and in fact, it is doable, but we do see that our business clients in this industry have some struggles to overcome.

First Struggle: Product Testing.

Before buying any beauty products, the majority of people tend to try the product first. This is fine in a psychical store, however, it may seem hard-to-imitate on an online store. If people cannot test the products, they will take more time to make their decision on buying the product.

As a solution, the better thing to do in order to overcome this problem is to make people talk about your product online (Wali is building the one and only autopilot influencer program, click here to learn more), and this method will not only encourage customers to buy that product, but it also will strengthen the bond between you and the potential customers who like your products. Building a good relationship with clients should be of paramount importance to you for obvious reasons like growing your business.
an influencer talks about the product. credit: Sephora @ instagram

Second Struggle: Considerable Competition.
Promotions are all over the internet nowadays. credit: ihgoods @ instagram

The problem that always encounters small or growing businesses is the inevitable promotions competition with other GREAT businesses. Accordingly, this may lower some business owners’ commitment, consistency, and earnings. Owing to the spread of COVID-19, thousands of merchants and sellers, including you, are finding trouble in convincing people to buy their products. Consequently, it is thought that offering a discount will bring more sales; do you think that it will work for you? Maybe, but you should think more because there are two huge problems ahead.

The first problem can be dubbed as “discount greed”. Your customers will not get satisfied with one discount only; they will always seek discounts, and eventually, you will be obliged to enter a never-ending loop of discounts just to satisfy your customers.

The second problem is lowering the brand value. With this in mind, you should know that hundreds of companies are working on increasing the value of their products more than working on their products themselves because marketers think that valuable products sell themselves. However, discounts have a side effect on the value of your products.

Don’t worry, offering discounts is not that bad after all, but you need to be smart while offering a discount. One of the strategies is to try to limit the discounts and set a deadline for that discount. For example, we can say that there is a 20% discount on a whitening cream; the deadline is 30 April. A successful digital campaign is a combination of proper strategies, good timing, attractive formats, and the secret behind is to master what your matching customers need and want.
limited-time giveaway. credit: yunamisskincare @ instagram

All in all, during this hard time because of the coronavirus, selling beauty products became more difficult and even impossible in some worse conditions, but online business can really help you with introducing your product and brand to even more people, so it is never too late to enhance your sales power online.