Wali Wednesday: Hello World! 3 Things about Wali

It dawns on us starting to blog now, that we of the Wali team haven’t introduced ourselves to the world quite yet. For this post, this is going to be our official “Hello” letter to the world. So here we go; let’s get acquainted, shall we?

First, of Our Mascot: 

He’s a cutie pie, with a purpose just like us! (*wink.) But what would a bunny rabbit like this have anything to do with a Tech Solution company? Well, when we first started out, we looked around for some design ideas, and there were some fresh ideas out there. But, none of them were going to be in our voice. So Wali the bunny came to be. A lot of companies out there are going for “cool kids” kind of design, and we wanted to go in a different direction that reflects how we work together.

Eventually, though, we’re hoping that he becomes less 2D and be more animated. Leading up to our goal making him be a digital assistance in our dashboard, remember the paperclip back when MS Word had him. Probably not as sassy but rather more helpful!

MS Word Paperclip

Second, What we are trying to do: 

What we are trying to do is, in short, is creating a business level ecosystem for any small/medium size business. While this ecosystem has many different features like membership service, loyalty rewards program, digital menu etc…it’s end goal is one thing: Data Collection.

Pics for Blog

The reason why we started this company was that we saw a rather large gap between what marketing tech that the bigger enterprise was using versus the small/medium(SMB) size business. A lot of SMBs have a general idea that using tech can potentially help the small business run smoother, but don’t know how useful the tech application can be.

We think that the market, especially with SMBs are ripe to progress to a new age of marketing. Not just with software, but also with AI assistance.

“What we want to do is fundamentally re-write how SMBs are looking at marketing, digitally and traditionally.”

What we want to do is fundamentally re-write how SMBs are looking at marketing, digitally and traditionally. We want SMBs to realize that their stores can be much stronger than what it is now. That SMB like yours could keep track of things like menus, customers, marketing, etc. to make accurate decisions about their business. Essentially, we are bringing the precisions that bigger enterprise have been optimizing for quite some time now to the SMB level. Just because you are small business owners, you don’t need to be left behind tech-wise.

Because we got your back!

We believe that small businesses like yours can compete with the same level of data competency as with large enterprises. Not only rooting for you but helping you making that dollar dough! 😉


Third, Who we are: 

At our core we are engineers. Software engineers to be more specifically. We banded together because we believe that small businesses deserve some love in technology just as much as big enterprises. No reason why big dudes should have all the fun right?



We’re not going to spill all of the beans quite yet, as for now, this is just our elevator introduction to the world!

Keep on Keeping on Walians! <3