How to retain a strong brand identity while riding a trend #dollypartonchallange

Every modern business dreams of having their online store overflowing with traffic and a long line in front of their physical store. Take Amazon for example, during Prime day the company’s executives might be yelling at their tech team when the site does down due to the high volume of users searching for the best deals. but nothing can hide the smiles on their faces even though this is a serious issue.

This is one of the best problems to have and every business wants this. In the current era, social media channels are definitely one of the important ways that this can become a reality to get traffic. Now when we talk about social media, there is no way we can ignore “Trends”.

And it seems like we are already having 2020 first Instagram trend. “#dollypartonchallange”. But you shouldn’t just stop at the following trend level. As marketing professionals, our job is to understand our audience on different channels. Then we need to create the perfect marketing message to deliver the company’s brand. In this blog, we are going to show you how you can ride the #dollypartonchallange wave while delivering the right marketing message to your targeted market.

“A target market is a set of individuals sharing similar needs or characteristics that your company hopes to serve. These individuals are usually the end users most likely to purchase your product.”

Personal brand

Many businesses got started using a personal image as their company image. It’s appropriate here to use your personnel or someone is your company as the image. This is what is known as a “Brand Rep”. The individual then becomes the face associated with that particular concept, business or product.

Martha Stewart obviously shows a great example. While following the challenge, she still shows a very strong personal brand image, the LinkedIn images show the professional side of her. Many great examples can be seen in entertainment industry posts.

Media credit: @marthastewart48
Media credit: @marthastewart48

Professional brands

However, when managing our company’s social media account, It has to be done professionally and match the company image. There are some brands that took this trend a step further. They either showed multiple physical products or the service they would provide.

Food industry:

Media credit: @hyvee_owatonna

The food industry is different from a personal brand. This post is showing its products as it’s on different media. Another idea that could be considered is to show products as if it’s in a different situation. For example, Linkedin as a more professional situation with this chicken wing. Maybe it could be at an office lunch. For Facebook, it could be on a family dining table.

Physical product:

Media credit: @tenacious_deb
Media credit: @entity_health

Show multiple products in the multiple-use case. When you run a shop that has multiple products, you could consider this style. This would make your customers think about you when they are in those scenarios. You are helping your customers to image as if they already have your products in hand.

Service company:

Media credit: @realtor_on_the_hudson
Image credit: @booksmandala

For service, the company is a bit trickier, since the customer can’t see the product itself. Then your post has to tell them: “What could be different when you use our service” These three used this #dollypartonmemechallenge as a stepping stone to show what their service can do for their clients.


#dollypartonmemechallenge#dollypartonchallenge😂#dollypartonchallengedog#thedollypartonchallenge #dollyparton #socialmediachallenge #memes #9gag #booksbooksbooks #tinder #tindermemes #instagram #facebook #linkedin

Now you have it! One more post for next month’s marketing plan! Wali helps companies like you to understand where your customers so you can increase your marketing ROI. Check out Wali at