Market Your Beauty Products Online Despite COVID-19

The new coronavirus has paralyzed almost all fields of commerce recently including the beauty industry and as known and noticed, a lot of stores have closed their doors in order to diminish the spread of the virus. However, another type of commerce is, fortunately, still alive: e-commerce. It means that you can still sell your […]

All the giveaway strategies during the Superbowl season that you could apply for Valentine’s Day Marketing Campaigns

During the Superbowl season, Sabra Hummus did a $500,000 giveaway. By doing this, Sabra Hummus really gained tons of public eyes, and we have to say this is a great marketing strategy! This received coverage from many big news organizations who talked about this campaign, and surely Sabra Hummus gained many new followers online as […]

How to retain a strong brand identity while riding a trend #dollypartonchallange

Every modern business dreams of having their online store overflowing with traffic and a long line in front of their physical store. Take Amazon for example, during Prime day the company’s executives might be yelling at their tech team when the site does down due to the high volume of users searching for the best […]

The Magic of Targeted Messaging

It’s the end of the year and the holidays are in full swing. Shoppers are out getting in that last-minute purchase done, while businesses are offering promos and discounts to attract in those same shoppers. Yes, this is a time where a lot of money changes hands and the gods of commerce throw their heads […]